

hey all you people!
gue bikin account twitter buat ngetweet ttg facts2 keren gitu hauhaua sebenernya buat iseng doang. soalnya 2 hari yg lalu tuh lagi bosen bgt, jadi bikin gituan deh. gue kira gak bakalan ada followers. eh skrg ada 65 followers hahaha thanks. gue gabutuh followers yg sampe beratus ratus ribu kok. tapi kalo iya alhamdulillah. soo.. if you wanna follow, ya follow aja yaaa!
beberapa tweets disana adaa=
-Each day, up to 150 species of life become extinct.
-An elephant's tooth can weigh as much as 12 pounds.
-It's illegal not to smile in Idaho.
-You can't create a folder called 'con' in Microsoft Windows!
-The ancient Egyptians bought jewelry for their pet crocodiles.
-Antarctica is the only land on our planet that is not owned by any country

daannn masih banyak lagi. and im gonna tweet a lot there :) see ya

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